Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wanna work from home ?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tasty Lamb Shank
1. Preheat oven to 180C (350F).
2. Combine flour and 5 spice powder in bag.
3. Toss shanks in the seasoned flour.
4. Heat oil over stove to medium heat in oven proof casserole dish.
5. Brown shanks in oil on all sides.
6. Transfer to plate and set aside.
7. Add onion, garlic and chili to the same oven proof casserole dish and cook until onion softens.
8. Add stock, vinegar, sauces, spices and lamb, bring to boil.
9. Cover and place in oven for 1 1/2 hours.
10. Remove from oven and strain sauce into saucepan.
11. Combine cornflour with a little cold water.
12. Stir into the sauce and bring to boil.
13. Cook until thickened.
14. Poor over shanks.
15. This is nice served on wasabi mashed potatoes.
I Served mine on a bed of bok choy, topped with wasabi mashed potato and placed the shank on top of that.
Bourbon Steak
6 Each T-bone Steaks or Rib Eye
3/4 Cup Olive oil
1/3 Cup Bourbon
1/4 Cup A-1® Steak Sauce
6 Cloves Garlic -- minced
Fresh Ground Black Pepper -- to taste
Place the steaks in a glass or ceramic bowl.
Mix marinade ingredients and pour over the steaks.
Marinate the steaks,covered and refrigerated, for 2 to 3 hours, turning them occasionally. Remove from refrigerator 20 to 30 minutes before cooking.
Cook steaks over a hot fire, 2 minutes on each side for rare, 3 minutes on each side for medium. Brush with the remaining marinade until done.
Discard any unused marinade.
NOTES: Total cooking time: 4 to 8 minutes, depending on rareness.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The benefit of drinking wine
Matching food and wine
Joni's Steak - Pasar Baru
Golf Course Review
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tips of driving in Jakarta
Ayam Bakar Ganthari
Sate Kambing = Aphrodisiac ?
Outings Near Pangandaran
Cihampelas Street
One of the most attractive things in Cihampelas is it giant-comic super hero character sculptures displayed of each store such as Aladdin, Superman, Batman, etc. The access to Cihampelas has been eased since Pasupati fly-over was operated. If you start from Diponegoro Street you can go through this fly-over.
Are you interested in hunting really low price jeans or do you ant to enjoy Ciwalk’s atmosphere? Just visit this street.
Dago Tea House
The widely known Dago Tea House located in the cool upper north part of Bandung is a must when you are in the neighbourhood. Situated in the hills of what used to be an area of tea plantations, it offers splendid views of the city, in an authentic Sundanese atmosphere. Already in existence as a restaurant and state owned cultural park since 1992 it has become a favorite amongst locals as well as foreigners.
The Vibe After climbing up the hill and paying the measly 1000 entrance fee to the cultural park that houses Dago tea house, the blanket of dust and smog that accompanies you everywhere you go in the city center is replaced by an airy and fresh climate that reminds you of the importance of oxygen.
Sitting in one of the saung and enjoying the view, a more relaxed place would be hardly conceivable.
The Food Dago Tea House's menu features some of the best examples of the Sundanese kitchen. There is lalap (4500) a vegetable salad served with sambal, tahu and tempe goreng (4000), and sayur asem (5000), a delicious mixture of corn, melindjo nuts, pumpkin and lemongrass that compliments the taste of the main dishes with its subtle acidity.
As a rice dish we try the nasi liwet asin jambal (21.000) that is served in a tin pan, the aromatic rice inside blended with vegetables and chicken. The nasi timbel bakar special (19500) is another example of a typical Sundanese dish, a delicious serving of rice wrapped and steamed in a banana leaf, accompanied by tahu, tempe, grilled chicken and veggies. Food is served straight from the stove, so very fresh and full of flavour.
For the brave of heart there are also several traditional drinks on the menu, which will give you a taste of Sundanese sweetness. Bandrek (6000) is a slightly sweet concoction of ginger, palm sugar and coconut, while bajigur (6000) is an even sweeter mixture of coconutwater, red sugar and mysterious jelly beans.
The Service The employees are all dressed in traditional Sundanese batik outfits that are upgraded to traditional wedding attire on weekends. This might seem as if you are sitting in a tourist trap but that's not the case at all. The guests are approximately equally divided amongst locals and foreigners, and over all there is a true authentic feel to the place. The ring of colonial history adds to that, as do the longstanding reputation and ongoing involvement of the park in cultural activities.
Dago Tea House Dago Tea House offers good views of a city that looks more astonishing from above than from within, and good authentic food for local prices. Whereas other mountainside establishments might be more highbrow and formal (with prices to match) Dago Tea House is more low-key while giving you a true feel and taste of Sundanese culture.
Feijoada (Brazilian Black Beans and Rice)
Everybody always says that you can eat whatever you want as long as You'do it in moderation. We say screw moderation! Moderation spawns temptation. Think about it: If you eat one itty bitty piece of chocolate, what happens? YOU WANT MORE CHOCOLATE! On the other hand, if you make a whole meal out of it and stuff yourself�
1 pound of black beans
Wash beans well and then leave themsoaking in
While the beans are cooking, cut the meatsinto bite size chunks, put them all in a pan,cover them with water and boil them forabout ten minutes.
Chop the onions and the garlic finely and mixin random herbs and spices (a spice mix forsalads would work well here).
Put the strained meats into the beans andadd a cup of water. Stir.
Add salt and hot pepper sauce to taste.
Serves 5 over rice. Can and should beserved with peeled oranges and boiled,salted and shredded collard greens. Todrink, prefer beer or caipirinha.
Notes: While the beans are cooking, stirthem occasionally because if they burn onthe bottom, the whole dish will becontaminated. Also, do not add salt to thebeans until the meats have been in it for awhile as these will tend to release their saltinto the water. The Feijoada will be readywhen the liquid is thick and flavorful.
One of the most popular dishes in Bavaria, this recipe is best suited for a weekend dinner with the family, since it requires a lot of preparation time.It also requires a trip to the butcher since a specific cut of meat is needed that typically cannot be found in your local supermarket. Attention to detail is necessary, as well as a hearty admiration for all things pork.
You should aim for about 6-8 pounds total weight . Consider as well that most butcher shops will need to "custom-cut" this for you, so plan ahead.
· 1 front pig leg, bone-in, skin and fat still attached (IMPORTANT), 6 - 8 pounds total weight
· salt, fresh ground pepper
· Bay Leafs, whole peppercorns, 3- 5 twigs of Thyme, a few juniper berries
· 1 cup apple cider or malt vinegar
· 1 1/2 cups dark beer
· 1 small onion, chopped
· 1 stalk celery, chopped
· 1 medium carrot, chopped
· 2 cloves garlic, chopped
· 1 bottle cold beer of your choice
Fill a large pot with water and add the vinegar, 1 TBL salt, peppercorns, juniper berries, thyme and a few bay leafs and bring to a boil. Put in the pork knuckle and simmer until soft, approximate. 3 - 5 hours depending on weight.
Sate domba afrika
Sate domba Africa sejarah :
gw sih dengernya dr temen gw yg tinggal ga jauh dr nih tempat.jadi ceritnya tuh dolo si engko yg jualan ini makanan punya temen dr africa, nah si temen ini bagi2 cerita ttg makanan dia dari daerah asalnya (Africa).katanya mereka dsana makan domba pake pisang (pengganti nasi), ini bukan makanan pokok mereka tp hanya sekedar cemilan.Dan bedanya domba dengan kambing ini, daging domba lebih LOW dia punya Kholesterolnya, so yg punya penyakit dar-ting tp tetep pgn mkn kambing yha cuman ini pilihannya.lokasi :setau gw sate domba Africa ada 3 tmpt :
1. Hayam Wuruk,Tepatnya sederetan sama Gajah Mada Plaza, ga jauh dr Gado2 Cemara dan spanduk dagangannya ada lampu mirip ambulance gitu, gampang dicari.Buka (17.00-malem)
2. Pangeran JayakartaLupa lokasi tepatnya dimana, cumin bukanya dr siang sampe sore (12.00 – 17.00)BM’ers sekalian tinggal tentuin sendiri enaknya mau mkn dimana yha sesuai jamnya.
3. KaretSederetan sama mall Ambassador, tp sebelum showroom motor Yamaha.Bukanya dr siang sampe malam, nah dsini tempat yg sering gw datengin, coz deket dr tempat kerja gw hhehehe..Cara penyajian :Jadi gini loh , walaupun judulnya sate domba tapi cara makannya bukan dengan tusukan sate. Melainkan dr daging domba yg digeprek / dipotong2 trus dihidangkan dengan bawang Bombay.Ada yg khas dr penyajian masakan ini, jadi tuh domba setelah diproses pemanggangan, dimasukin ke panci kecil beserta bawang bombaynya trus diaduk dengan cara di lemparkan ke udara hingga terdengar suara “prekkk…prekkkkk…” (suara alumunium
4. Seberang museum Textile jln KS Tubun
Lokasinya cukup unik.. karena ga keliatan dari jalanan...Lokasinya di samping museum tekstil yg ada di jalan Tanah Abang...Setelah lewatin museum tekstil.. ada suatu komplek rumah dengan lapangan parkir yang luas.. Langsung masuk aja ke tempat parkir itu.. restorannya terbuka dan ada di sebelah kiri dalam komplek tersebut.ada tempat permanen yg lumayan terbuka, karena ga ada tembok luar nya.. terus ada pembakaran nya dan ada poster Osama Bin Laden di tembok yg punya orang Afrika.. dari Mali kalo ga salah...Kambing nya di bakar, terus dipotong2... di campur sama bawang bombay mentah..disajikan dipiring besar dalam keadaan hangat + nasi putih ... cara makannya yg paling nikmat tuh kalo makan pake tangan..Sambalnya ada di botol.. macam sambal lampung tapi yg ada biji nya.. terus dicampur sama mustard dan kecap manis.. semua dalam botol terpisah... jadi musti ngeramu sendiri.. tergantung selera dehkambingnya empuk banget.. dicocol sama campuran sambel tadi rasanya langsung nyesss.. empuk, ada rasa2 pedas, manis dan asam(mustard).. wah pokoknya mantap..hehehe.. musti cobain deh... makanan kambing paling unik yg pernah gw makan.patokan arahnya.. kalo lu menghadap museum tekstil.. lokasinya ada di sebelah kanan. Ga ada petunjuknya kalo disana ada restoran.. jadi musti tanya2 orang sana kalo nyasar.yg minusnya disini adalah banyak lalat nya... maklum tempatnya terbuka..emang sih dikasih lilin di meja.. cuma tetep aja musti ati2 jgn sampe disamperin recommended buat yg perutnya sensitif/ga cocok sama makanan jalanan. Bisa2 langsung illfill begitu liat lalatnyaga recommended juga buat dibungkus.. dulu pernah beli di bungkus.. sampe rumah jadi alot.. sedih deh..
Cara makan :
Disini bebas milih mau mkn pake nasi atau pake pisang.Kalau lagi laper bgt tentunya pake nasi yha, tp kl buat cemilan yha tentunya pake pisang aja juga cukup.Trus dia punya sambal rasanya EUNAKK BGT!!, maknyus sampe ke kepala berasa kesemutan.Dia punya sambel kita sendiri yg ngeracik, jadi racikannya ada 3 jenis : sambal, mayonnaise, dan kecap. Ketiga jenis itu kita gabungin sendiri ke piring kecil jadi deh rasanya pedes, manis, asin (dr mayonnaise). Tinggal dicocol sm dombanya deh.just FYI : enak juga dicocol pake kerupuk putih.Harga :Per porsi sate dombanya Rp. 35.000,- (lihat pic)Pisang goreng Rp. 10.000,-Ada juga soup domba (ga pernah makan) dan sate jeroan (ga pernah mkn juga)
Babi Guling Ibu Oka
Squeezed in between Ubud’s central banjar and Jl. Suweta’s upmarket shops and restaurants stands the legendary Ibu Oka’s Warung Babi Guling. The food stall has stood here for the past 20 years, serving up what many say is some of the best roast suckling pig on Bali. Search any Bali tourist Internet site and there is a good chance you’ll read rave reviews on Ibu Oka’s warung, at least according to a group from Shanghai sitting at a nearby table.
The benches glutted with people from around the world along with local Balinese, filling the warung to overflowing. And they are all digging in to Ibu Oka’s classic Balinese tucker: melt-in-the-mouth suckling pig that was spit-roasted for five hours before being carted on foot from Ibu Oka’s home kitchen and served hot and fresh to the waiting hordes.
Discovering just what makes Ibu Oka’s suckling pig so good demands a visit to that kitchen, and while a trip to her family compound just around the corner may be one short step in distance, its a 100 years in time.
And therein lies Ibu Oka’s secret: Her suckling pig is prepared and cooked as it has been for decades and, as the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. Stacks of timber line the walls of the compound, cubic meters of the wood delivered daily to heat fires that will cook up to 10 suckling pigs a day.
Half a dozen live pigs are housed at the back of the compound, snuffling, eating, sleeping and generally enjoying life before the pre-dawn kill that will have them cleaned, gutted, stuffed and spitted by 4 a.m., ready for the warung’s 11 a.m. opening.Roast suckling pig doesn’t get fresher than this.
Prior to spit roasting, the pigs are packed full of Balinese herbs and spices, such as shallots, garlic, chili, ginger, galangal, turmeric and bay leaves, then roasted over an open fire for at least five hours. This is five hours of hot, heavy work for the cooks who rotate, non-stop, the wooden spit by hand, regularly dousing the flames with water to maintain the perfect cooking temperature.
Getting the temperature right is an art that has been handed down from generation to generation, the suckling pigs slowly developing that warm golden sheen that makes for the best crackling, the inner meat cooking slowly until it is utterly succulent.
Ibu Oka learned this art — along with the business — from her parents-in-law 25 years ago. She adds that her in-laws had been preparing babi guling for 33 years before she took on the business.
“The family has been making babi guling for almost 60 years. Two generations of us. Originally, the business started at the market. I ran it there for the first five years after my parents-in-law died, and then moved the warung to Jl. Suweta 20 years ago,” she said of the business that now involves her whole family.
As well as satisfying the appetites of her warung customers, orders for the famous babi guling come from far and wide, with hotels along Bali’s main tourist strips in Legian, Kuta and Seminyak ordering up big for special events, said Ibu Oka.
“We sometimes get orders from the big hotels. On those occasions we will prepare around 10 suckling pigs. It’s a lot of work,” she said. “Then we do many weddings where people order the babi guling and all the side dishes such as the vegetables and the blood sausages.”
She added that the warung on Jl. Suweta required four suckling pigs each morning to satisfy the hungry customers that come in droves.
Within minutes after it opens its doors, the restaurant is full to overflowing. Every table refills as soon as the early bird diners lick their lips is satisfaction before heading back to work, shopping or wandering Ubud’s central market.
Tasting the legend that is Ibu Oka’s babi guling will cost you around Rp 20,000, which includes roast suckling pig and the crackling, blood sausages, Balinese vegetables and rice. A small price to pay for this simple and delicious pleasure.
Warung Babi Guling is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Phone: (0361) 976345
Made's Warung - Bali
Investment banker
A new teacher was getting to know the kids by asking them their name and what their father did for a living.
The first little girl said: "My name is Mary and my Daddy is a postman."
The next child, a little boy said: "I'm Andy and my Dad is a mechanic."
And so it went until one little boy said: "My name is Johnny and my father is a striptease artist in a gay club."
The teacher gasped and quickly changed the subject. Later, in the school yard, the teacher approached Little Johnny privately and asked if it was really true that his dad danced nude in a gay bar.
Little Johnny blushed and said, "No, he's really a Business Development Director at Lehman Brothers, but I'm just too embarrassed to tell anyone.
Gates Rules
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School
about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school
. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world..
Rule 1
: Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2
: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3
: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4
: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5
: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6
: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7
: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8
: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9
: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10
: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11
: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one..
Monday, August 25, 2008
Top Management Crap :)
He says to the waiter, 'Me want coffee.'
The waiter says, 'Sure chief, comin right up...'
He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee, and the Indian drinks it down in one gulp, picks up the bucket of manure, throws it into the air, blasts it with the shotgun, then just walks out.
The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other. He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, 'Me want coffee.'
The waiter says, 'Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What the heck was all that about, anyway?'
The Indian smiles and proudly says, 'Me training for top management position: Come in, drink coffee, shoot some crap, leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Recipe of Balinese Suckling Pig ( Babi Guling)
1 suckling pig, weighing about 6-8 kg (13-17 lb)
1 1/2 tablespoon salt
10 shallots, peeled and sliced
6 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
5 cm (2 in) ginger, peeled and chopped
15 candlenuts, chopped
10 cm (4 in) fresh turmeric, peeled and chopped
2 tablespoons coriander seeds, crushed
5 cm (2 in) laos finely chopped
25-30 bird's-eye chillies
10 stalks lemon grass, sliced
1 tablespoon black peppercorns, crushed
1 teaspoon dried shrimp paste, roasted
5 fragrant lime leaves, finely shredded
2 salam leaves
2 1/2 tablespoons oil
4 tablespoons turmeric water
Ensure the inside of the suckling pig is completely cleaned out. Season inside and outside with salt.
Combine all other ingredients, except turmeric water, and mix thoroughly. Fill the inside of the suckling pig with this mixture, close the belly with string or thin satay skewers.
Rub the outside of the pig with turmeric water until the skin is shiny yellow. Place the suckling pig on a roasting rack and roast in hot oven (220°C/425°F) for approximately one hour. Rest for 10 minutes in warm place before serving.
When serving, first remove the crisp skin with a strong carving knife, then loosen meat from the bones and cut into even dice or slices. Place a heaped tablespoon of stuffing on each serving plate, then top with meat and skin. Traditionally this dish is eaten with Jukut Nangka Mekuah and steamed rice.
Helpful hint:If you have a large barbecue with a rotisserie or constantly turning spit, you can cook the pig over charcoal for an authentic Balinese flavour.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Que faire si je suis en train de faire ...
2. VENTES - plus paresseux de tous les signes, souvent dénommé "marketing, sans un degré." Vous êtes également égocentrique et paranoïaque. À moins que quelqu'un vous appelle et vous supplie de prendre leur argent, vous le souhaitez afin d'éviter tout contact avec les clients pour vous permettre de "se concentrer sur la grande image." Vous cherchez admiration pour votre jeu de golf tout au long de votre vie.
3. TECHNOLOGY - Impossible de contrôler quoi que ce soit dans votre vie personnelle, vous êtes au lieu de contenu à contrôler complètement tout ce qui se passe sur votre lieu de travail. Souvent, même si vous ne comprenez pas ce que vous dites, mais l'enfer qui peut le dire. Il est écrit que Geeks hériteront la Terre.
4. ENGINEERING - L'un des deux seuls signes que effectivement étudié à l'école. Il est dit que quatre vingt dix pour cent de toutes les annonces sont placées par les ingénieurs. Vous pouvez être heureuse avec vous, votre bureau est rempli de toutes les dernières "ergo dynamique" gadgets. Toutefois, nous savons tous ce qui est vraiment votre cause "le syndrome du tunnel carpien.
5. COMPTABLES - La seule autre signe qui a étudié à l'école. Vous êtes la plupart de ses fonctions immunitaires politique. Vous êtes le plus à craindre personne dans l'organisation qui, associé à votre organisation traits extrême, la majorité des rumeurs concernant vous dire que vous êtes complètement fou.
6. RESSOURCES HUMAINES - Ironie du sort, compte tenu de votre accès à des renseignements confidentiels, on a tendance à être le plus grand des rumeurs au sein de l'organisation. Peut-être la seule autre personne qui ne moins de travail que les professionnels du marketing, vous ne pouvez pas retourner les appels aujourd'hui, c'est parce que vous devez obtenir une coupe de cheveux, déjeuner et puis envoyez une lettre.
7. GESTION / MOYEN-GESTION - Catty, coupe-gorge, encore complètement épines, vous sont destinés à rester à votre poste actuel pour le reste de votre vie. Impossible de faire un seul choix que vous aurez tendance à mesurer votre valeur par le nombre de rencontres, vous pouvez programmer pour vous. Qui convient le mieux à épouser d'autres "cadres" comme tout le monde dans votre cercle social est un "Moyen-Manager."
8. MEMBRES DE LA DIRECTION - (Voir ci-dessus - même signe, titre différent)
9. SERVICE À LA CLIENTÈLE - Bright, enjoué et positif, vous êtes un cent cinquante-taxi de prendre votre propre vie. Comme les enfants très peu d'entre vous a demandé de vos parents pour un peu de cabine pour votre chambre et un casque pour que vous peut prétendre à jouer "Service à la clientèle." Continuellement passé au-dessus pour les promotions, votre meilleur pari est de dormir avec votre gestionnaire.
10. CONSULTANT - l'absence de toute connaissance spécifique, vous utilisez des acronymes pour éviter de révéler votre absence totale de l'expérience. Vous avez-vous convaincu que vos compétences sont en demande et que vous pourriez obtenir un emploi mieux rémunérés avec toute autre organisation dans un battement de coeur. Vous passerez une éternité en contemplant ces possibilités de carrière sans jamais prendre une action directe.
11. AGENT, "Headhunter" - Comme une «personne» que les bénéfices du succès des autres, vous êtes méprisait et par la plupart des gens qui travaillent effectivement pour une vie. Payé à la commission et sensibles à l'alcoolisme, les ulcères et vos fréquentes crises cardiaques correspondent directement aux fluctuations du marché boursier.
12. PARTENAIRE, Président directeur général - Vous êtes brillant ou chanceux. Votre incapacité à comprendre les systèmes complexes tels que le télécopieur suggérer ce dernier.
13. GOUVERNEMENT TRAVAILLEUR - payant de prendre des jours de congé. Gouvernement travailleurs sont les inventeurs de génie, comme l'invention de nouveaux jours fériés. En général, ils souffrent d'une profonde dépression ou d'anxiété et, en général, commettent des crimes graves au travail.
What if i am doing ......
2. SALES - Laziest of all signs, often referred to as "marketing without a degree." You are also self-centered and paranoid. Unless someone calls you and begs you to take their money, you like to avoid contact with customers so you can "concentrate on the big picture." You seek admiration for your golf game throughout your life.
3. TECHNOLOGY - Unable to control anything in your personal life, you are instead content to completely control everything that happens at your workplace. Often even YOU don't understand what you are saying but who the hell can tell. It is written that Geeks shall inherit the Earth.
4. ENGINEERING - One of only two signs that actually studied in school. It is said that ninety percent of all Personal Ads are placed by engineers. You can be happy with yourself; your office is full of all the latest "ergo dynamic" gadgets. However, we all know what is really causing your "carpal tunnel syndrome."
5. ACCOUNTING - The only other sign that studied in school. You are mostly immune from office politics. You are the most feared person in the organization; combined with your extreme organizational traits, the majority of rumors concerning you say that you are completely insane.
6. HUMAN RESOURCES - Ironically, given your access to confidential information, you tend to be the biggest gossip within the organization. Possibly the only other person that does less work than marketing, you are unable to return any calls today because you have to get a haircut, have lunch and then mail a letter.
7. MANAGEMENT/MIDDLE MANAGEMENT - Catty, cut-throat, yet completely spineless, you are destined to remain at your current job for the rest of your life. Unable to make a single decision you tend to measure your worth by the number of meetings you can schedule for yourself. Best suited to marry other "Middle Managers" as everyone in you social circle is a "Middle Manager."
8. SENIOR MANAGEMENT - (See above - Same sign, different title)
9. CUSTOMER SERVICE - Bright, cheery, positive, you are a fifty-cent cab ride from taking your own life. As children very few of you asked your parents for a little cubicle for your room and a headset so you could pretend to play "Customer Service." Continually passed over for promotions, your best bet is to sleep with your manager.
10. CONSULTANT - Lacking any specific knowledge, you use acronyms to avoid revealing your utter lack of experience. You have convinced yourself that your "skills" are in demand and that you could get a higher paying job with any other organization in a heartbeat. You will spend an eternity contemplating these career opportunities without ever taking direct action.
11. RECRUITER, "HEADHUNTER" - As a "person" that profits from the success of others, you are disdained by most people who actually work for a living. Paid on commission and susceptible to alcoholism, your ulcers and frequent heart attacks correspond directly with fluctuations in the stock market.
12. PARTNER, PRESIDENT, CEO - You are brilliant or lucky. Your inability to figure out complex systems such as the fax machine suggest the latter.
13. GOVERNMENT WORKER - Paid to take days off. Government workers are genius inventors, like the invention of new Holidays. They usually suffer from deep depression or anxiety and usually commit serious crimes while on the job.
que faites-vous?
Un auditeur est quelqu'un qui arrive après la bataille des baïonnettes et tous les blessés.
Un banquier est un collègue qui vous prête son parapluie quand le soleil brille et il veut revenir la minute, il commence à pleuvoir.
(Mark Twain) Un économiste est un expert qui saura demain pourquoi les choses at-il prédit hier n'a pas été le cas aujourd'hui.
Un statisticien est quelqu'un qui est bon avec des chiffres, mais ne possède pas la personnalité à un comptable.
Un programmeur est quelqu'un qui résout un problème que vous ne saviez pas que vous aviez d'une manière vous ne comprenez pas.
Un avocat est une personne qui écrit un document de 10000 mots et il demande une "brève".
Un psychologue est un homme qui regarde tout le monde quand une belle fille entre dans la pièce.
Un professeur est un qui parle de quelqu'un d'autre de sommeil.
Une école enseignant est une femme désabusée qui l'habitude de penser qu'elle aimait les enfants.
Un consultant est quelqu'un qui prend la montre de votre poignet et vous indique le temps.
Position Description
An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded.
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
(Mark Twain) An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today.
A statistician is someone who is good with numbers but lacks the personality to be an accountant.
A programmer is someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand.
A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000 word document and calls it a "brief."
A psychologist is a man who watches everyone else when a beautiful girl enters the room.
A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.
A school teacher is a disillusioned woman who used to think she liked children.
A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
régate d'entreprise
Sur le grand jour, ils étaient prêts qu'ils pourraient l'être. L'équipe japonaise a gagné par un mile.Afterwards, l'équipe américaine est devenu découragé par la perte et leur moral sagged. La gestion de l'entreprise a décidé que la raison de l'écrasante défaite a dû être trouvée.
Une amélioration continue mesurables équipe de "cadres" a été mis en place pour enquêter sur le problème et de recommander les mesures correctives appropriées. Leur conclusion: Le problème est que l'équipe japonaise avait 8 personnes d'aviron et de 1 personne de direction, alors que l'équipe américaine a 1 personne d'aviron et de 8 personnes de direction.
L'American Corporate Comité directeur immédiatement embauché une société d'experts-conseils de faire une étude sur la structure de gestion. Après un certain temps et des milliards de dollars, la société de conseil a conclu que "trop de gens de direction et pas assez d'aviron." Pour éviter de perdre à nouveau le japonais l'année prochaine, la structure de gestion a été changé en "4 gestionnaires de directeur, directeur de Zone 3 gestionnaires, du personnel et 1 directeur gérant» et un nouveau système de performance pour la personne aviron le bateau pour donner plus d'incitation à travailler plus fort et de devenir un artiste six sigma. "Nous devons lui donner l'autonomisation et l'enrichissement." Cela devrait le faire.
L'année suivante, l'équipe japonaise a gagné par deux milles. La société américaine a mis à pied le rameur pour mauvais rendement, a vendu la totalité des pagaies, a annulé tous les investissements en capital pour les nouveaux équipements, arrêté le développement d'un nouveau canoë, décerné des primes de rendement élevé à la société d'experts-conseils, et distribué l'argent ainsi économisé comme primes à la cadres supérieurs.
Un berger et un consultant
Le conducteur, un jeune homme dans un costume Armani, Gucci chaussures, lunettes de soleil Ray Ban et cravate Lanvin, s'est penché par la fenêtre et a demandé au berger ... "Si je vous dis exactement combien de moutons vous avez dans votre troupeau, allez-vous me donner une?"
Le berger penché sur l'homme, de toute évidence un yuppie, puis examiné à son troupeau de pâturage pacifiquement et calmement répondu "certain". Le yuppie stationné sa voiture, ses coups de fouet IBM ThinkPad et connecté à un téléphone cellulaire, puis il a navigué à la NASA une page sur Internet où il a appelé à un GPS système de navigation par satellite, balayé la zone, puis a ouvert une base de données et une feuille de calcul Excel avec des formules complexes. Il a envoyé un e-mail sur son Blackberry et, après quelques minutes, a reçu une réponse.
Enfin, il affiche de 130 pages, le rapport sur son imprimante miniature puis se tourne vers le berger et dit: "Vous avez exactement 1586 moutons." C'est exact, prendre une des moutons. "A dit le berger. Il regarde le jeune homme sélectionner un des animaux et en bundle sa voiture.
Puis le berger dit: «Si je peux vous dire exactement ce que votre entreprise est, allez-vous me donner mon animal?", "OK, pourquoi pas." répond le jeune homme. «De toute évidence, vous êtes un consultant." dit le berger. "C'est exact". dit le yuppie, «mais comment avez-vous deviner qui?" "Pas de deviner nécessaire." réponses le berger. "Vous avez ici, bien que personne ne vous a appelé. Vous voulez vous faire payer pour une réponse que je connaissais déjà, à une question que je n'ai jamais demandé, et vous ne savez pas la merde sur mon entreprise ...... maintenant donnez-moi mon chien! "
The corporate boat race
On the big day, they were as ready as they could be. The Japanese team won by a mile.Afterwards, the American team became discouraged by the loss and their morale sagged. Corporate management decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found.
A Continuous Measurable Improvement Team of "Executives" was set up to investigate the problem and to recommend appropriate corrective action. Their conclusion: The problem was that the Japanese team had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, whereas the American team had 1 person rowing and 8 people steering.
The American Corporate Steering Committee immediately hired a consulting firm to do a study on the management structure. After some time and billions of dollars, the consulting firm concluded that "too many people were steering and not enough rowing." To prevent losing to the Japanese again next year, the management structure was changed to "4 Steering Managers, 3 Area Steering Managers, and 1 Staff Steering Manager" and a new performance system for the person rowing the boat to give more incentive to work harder and become a six sigma performer. "We must give him empowerment and enrichment." That ought to do it.
The next year the Japanese team won by two miles. The American Corporation laid off the rower for poor performance, sold all of the paddles, cancelled all capital investments for new equipment, halted development of a new canoe, awarded high performance awards to the consulting firm, and distributed the money saved as bonuses to the senior executives.
20 management styles
These kind of managers you will always see in the corridor, ten stepsaway. "We'll have to talk" you can hear them say, just as they havedisappeared around the corner.
These managers you usually meet with their backside faced to you withtheir hands in their pockets. When you talk to them, their thoughtskeep staring out of the windows.
Some managers forget everything. They want to impress you with their'busy'ness by continuously writing on Post-it's while you are talking.
These managers just delegate everything to the secretary. If he isgood, He knows what she must do.
These managers don't really know anything at all. They let YOU giveanswers. Meanwhile they fill the time with nice anecdotes of irrelevant cases.
These people try to explain the present from a theoretical view ofthe far future. The idea that this never will work, completelysatisfies them: They will always have something to talk about.
Information hiders are aware of the market value of strictly secretkept information. You must be very thankful to get any information atall. Beware of simulants from category
These managers prevent their bosses from creative thinking. Else theygot more work to do.
In hierarchical organizations you can watch those groups walking inthe corridor. The more equal managers are directly followed by thelesser equal managers, and so on.
If you drink beer with them, lunch with them, smile to them and alsowear nice suits, nothing can stop your career anymore.
Despite their continual attendances of all kind of studies andcongresses, they still belong to category 5. The longer they learn,the further they get from the practice.
Do you know them? Those sheets with some big arrows,boxes or circles?These sheets provide the ultimate proof of their overall brilliance.
This is a major improvement of the older 'OPEN DOOR' managementstyle. Now you can really walk in and out anytime you want. Nobodyever knows where these managers are.
This kind of managing is very popular. It will give them within a fewhours the same information as an employee can tell them in 15 minutes.
In an organization with a hopeless infrastructure, managers arereally necessary. These managers will naturally prevent theorganization from having a better infrastructure.
This management style is ATRASACWOC. ( Adopted To Reach A Shorter AndClearer Way Of Communication )
These managers like to bluff your head off with hip, nearly undefined,terms.
If they think there is nothing more to organize, they reorganize.
These managers must be spiritual educated, because they have no cluesat all.
If you remind them to one of their promises, the priority of thatpromise is to low to remember.
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Shepherd & a Consultant
The driver, a young man in a Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and Lanvin tie, leaned out the window and asked the shepherd... "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?"
The shepherd looked at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looked at his peacefully grazing flock and calmly answered "sure". The yuppie parked his car, whipped out his IBM ThinkPad and connected it to a cell phone, then he surfed to a NASA page on the internet where he called up a GPS satellite navigation system, scanned the area, and then opened up a database and an Excel spreadsheet with complex formulas. He sent an email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, received a response.
Finally, he prints out a 130-page report on his miniaturized printer then turns to the shepherd and says, "You have exactly 1586 sheep. "That is correct; take one of the sheep." said the shepherd. He watches the young man select one of the animals and bundle it into his car.
Then the shepherd says: "If I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my animal?", "OK, why not." answered the young man. "Clearly, you are a consultant." said the shepherd. "That's correct." says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?" "No guessing required." answers the shepherd."You turned up here although nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked, and you don't know crap about my business...... Now give me back my dog!"